Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Giving Tree

"Once there was a tree...and she loved a little boy. The tree gives this little boy everything she can, because she wants him to be happy. The boy, on the other hand, keeps searching for more until he finds in his old age that happiness was right there in front of him.

What's not to love about this classic? Well, if you read the reviews on Amazon there are mixed feelings. Some praise the author for a beautiful story about unconditional love. Yet others find the little boy to be selfish and codependent. I'm not making this up - I did read a review that said "codependent".

I'll tell you what I think. Does it matter? In my opinion, both messages are good. Not that I encourage selfishness, of course. But isn't it a good opportunity to talk to our kids about both sides of the spectrum?

I think it's a poignant story about what really matters in life and it will always be one of my favorite children's books.

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