Sunday, January 9, 2011

Surprise Island

In the second book of "The Boxcar Children" series, the Alden children have reunited with their grandfather and discovered that he's not so bad as they thought. In fact, he is a kind and gentle man who adores them.

Mr. Alden, a wealthy man, owns a small island not far from where they live. He surprises the children by telling them that they will be spending their summer break on the island. He let them buy all the supplies they would need, including dishes! I personally thought this was very cool.

Can you imagine? Spending your summer on an island with only minimal adult supervision - setting up a little house, cooking your own meals and exploring to your heart's content. When I was a child, this sounded glorious! It's possible that I had a small obsession with having a home of my own...

Of course, there is a small mystery that needs solving, but it seems that mysteries are what the Alden children love best.

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